From the age of twenty - Edward Lukwaya Webb has provided care to the children in his village. The youngest sibling – Eddie’s mother was determined to provide an education for him - and to escape the poverty which consumed Uganda. Eddie’s mother knew that and so too survive – they had to develop a plan that would see him educated. Unfortunately by the 7th grade – Eddie could no longer attend school due to the costs. With his mother working as a tailor – Eddie started working in the sand mines at 13 years of age to earn what he could for food and for his future education.

 In 2009, Eddie started secondary level (high school) however, the teacher could not provide the complete education – due to the costs. This was a very frustrating time for his mother and himself. However, by the time Eddie was 17 years old – he was able to graduate, completing his high school education.

Eddie believed this to be a sign from God. 

Though whilst this was a time of celebration – Eddie’s hopes of a better life were dim, and he felt so lost. Seventeen years old and with no financial support - Eddie felt his vision slip away. By now Eddie's mother was truly exhausted and Eddie had no other choice but to join the farmers at Nakuwadde Village which he did not like at all.

Eddie's life continued until - the next miracle!

2013 was the year Eddie’s life shifted. From despair to hope – Eddie met the acquaintance of a gentleman by the name of Ron Webb. Eddie shared his background and hopes for a better life but mostly – his passion for education and his deep need to complete it. Ron agreed that he needed the education and started sponsoring Eddie.

February 27th, 2015, Eddie graduated with a Certificate in Computer Science & Technology. Ron and wife Florence had given Eddie the opportunity to create change. To make an impact on the community – by giving back.

Eddie finally had completed school and he was on his way to creating change!

Edward had been taking care of children since he was 20-years old.  His neighbourhood was filled of little waifs that wandered the streets and did not attend school. Originally, he had several children living with him and his mother.  But most of the needy children had a home, usually a single mother or a grandmother.  So, the idea to support kids in their own homes - while providing school tuition; clothing; school supplies; food and - medical care became Eddie’s motivation to create something special.

Approximately 98% of the youth in Nakuwadde Village smoke or - they are using drugs. Eddie knew to give the families hope – he had to start a movement as there was no school in the village. Within 6-months, he was supporting 35 children.  He received volunteer help from his mother as well as several of his friends.  Saturday became a special day where dinner was prepared and children gathered together for music, bible lessons and training in hygiene.  Sundays were church days.

The concept of becoming an official NGO kind of developed as he grew.  Ron advised him to gain whatever his country required of charities.  He had the help of an attorney to make the application - however the wheels of government grind very slowly in Uganda.

Eddie built a structure -  25 feet by 100 feet and is divided into 4 rooms.  Originally, he was intending on having a shelter for children.  But he found the government requirements would involve kitchen and bath facilities, as well as 24/7 supervision.  That is when the concept of a free school came to mind. 

2024 - the foundation now has a shelter and kitchen, all thanks to Eddie's determination and vision to protect children and provide an education. 

Currently the foundation has twenty five children sponsored and many attend from the nearby villages. 

FROM 2016







For $40.00 USD a month - you will be providing education, medical needs and food. Your contribution will bring so much joy. 





Being a GCCF Change Agent means you go the extra mile to help us help the children. 

With your ongoing belief and support - we have provided the children with

  • desk & chairs
  • solar panels

  • well

  • children's shelter

  • driveway

Our driveway

From the campaign we raised about $3300 out of the original proposed budget of $5500.

Funds are spent on the following and a final report will be out when the project is completed fully.

10 trucks of 4.5 tonnes of stones were purchased

Leveling the road ground before laying down the stones

2 trucks of 4.5 tonnes of quarter inch stones

50 bags of cement so far purchased Stone Dust using 4.5 tonne truck one trip.


Our kitchen

Our fencing

Our beds and mattresses

FROM 2016 


Address & Phone

P.O. Box 60

Kampala ~ Uganda

256 704 206224

Business Information

Certificate of Registration #12267 - from 2016

Operational Permit - from 2016